Unlimited Chat History

onWebChat keeps records of all the chats between you and your customers. In that way you can check out what the discussion was about at any time so as to figure out whom you are addressing, what the problem or the question was and how you assisted him.

For the Premium plan, chat history is going to be available for as long as you will be using our live chat service while for the Free Plan you can retrieve chats dating back 1 year.

onWebChat - previous chats history
onWebChat livechat system get easy chat history access

Find the exact spot in the chat history.

When you chat with one of your customers that is the time when you need to check what your previous chats were about and that is when you actually need access to chat history.

With our live chat service you have access to all previous chats through the chat window without having to scroll up and down at the crucial moment.

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