Drupal 7 installation - Full Instructions

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Step 1 Select "Manage" "Extend" and then click "Install new module".

Drupal 7 - onWebChat live chat - module installation instructions step1

Step 2 Select the location of the onWebChat module and upload it. Then click "Install" button.

Drupal 7 - onWebChat live chat - module installation instructions step2

Step 3 Search for onWebChat module, check the "Enable" checkbox and then click "Save Configuration".

Drupal 7 - onWebChat live chat - module installation instructions step3

Step 4 After module installation click "Configure" button.

Drupal 7 - onWebChat live chat - module installation instructions step4

Step 5 Paste your Chat ID and then click "Save Configuration".

If you don't have an onWebChat Chat ID, please create an account here.

Drupal 7 - onWebChat live chat - module installation instructions step5

Congratulations! Your live chat widget is now available on your website.

Drupal 7 - onWebChat live chat - module installation instructions step6
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