Features Overview

onWebChat live chat support service allows you to chat with your website visitors.
But it’s not just a support tool; it can increase your sales, convert visitors to customers, and more.

AI Chatbot

Work more efficiently

Let the AI bot handle incoming chats while your team focuses on complex issues and high-value interactions.

Round-the-Clock Support

Our chatbot seamlessly bridges the gap during non-working hours, ensuring visitors always find assistance 24/7.

Even during peak times, you can keep the support experience smooth with fewer staff requirements, as our chatbot efficiently handles the surge.

AI Excellence in Responses

Our AI bot doesn't provide copy-paste predefined answers. Instead, it is trained on your data, and is capable of comprehending any questions, being skilled at integrating information to deliver accurate, human-like responses!

onWebChat live chat chat bot

onWebChat live chat customize colors and languages

Tailor onWebChat to Reflect Your Brand Identity

Customize your chat widget effortlessly to align with your brand's aesthetics and values.

In just a few simple steps, you can modify elements like the color scheme, bubble appearance, widget size, and positioning—along with numerous other features.

By crafting a visually appealing and cohesive user experience, you'll not only elevate customer support but also enhance your potential for sales growth.

Initiate Meaningful Interactions: Automated Dialogues Made Simple

Engaging with customers who need assistance is effortless, thanks to our automated triggers.

Simply configure the trigger settings, such as the duration a visitor spends on a page before activating the trigger, and craft the initial message that will be sent to the visitor's chat.

Many online retailers deploy these automated dialogues to engage users lingering on the checkout page. This proactive approach has proven effective in reducing cart abandonment rates and boosting conversions.

Gather Essential Insights for a Successful Sale

No matter how a conversation starts, you're equipped with all the key data needed to close a sale effectively.

Access comprehensive information about each visitor, including time spent on your site, previous visits, geographical location, and device type, among other metrics.

If you've interacted with a visitor before, their entire chat history is displayed within the ongoing conversation page, eliminating the need to navigate elsewhere.

Additionally, you can jot down notes for individual visitors, keeping essential information at your fingertips for future reference.

onWebChat - live chat importance quote

Provide Better Support
Increase Your Customers' Satisfaction!

Leverage the immediacy of live chat to address questions from your visitors or customers instantly.

This not only creates a positive impression but also alleviates the workload on other support channels, such as phone lines and email, which typically demand more time and effort.

onWebChat - live chat shortcuts


Shortcuts allow you to store frequently used responses, such as welcome messages or thank-you notes, saving you the time and effort of typing them repeatedly.

onWebChat - live chat file sharing

File Sharing

You can exchange files up to 50MB quickly and hassle-free through the chat feature.

onWebChat - live chat type insights

Typing Insights

With typing insights, you can see what your visitor is typing before they click the “send” button. This gives you time to prepare your response, reducing the wait time for the visitor to receive an answer from you.

Improve Support Quality
Reduce Costs!

Real-Time Visitor Monitoring

Monitor the pages your visitors are browsing in real-time. onWebChat automatically categorizes them based on various criteria, such as activity level, current page being viewed, country, and more.

This feature provides you with a comprehensive view of activity on your site at all times, enabling you to initiate conversations with specific visitors you deem necessary to engage.

Chat on Your Phone - Support on the Go

With our native Android application, it is very easy to offer customer support even when you are out of the office.

In this way, no matter the size of your business, you can offer exceptional customer support services.

The shortcuts, combined with the easy-to-use UI of our application, will allow you to communicate with your visitors with minimal effort.

Get it on Google Play

Focus on the Important Stuff – Leave the Rest to onWebChat

With the pre-chat form, you can collect data from your visitors that you consider important when they start a conversation with you.

In this way, you save time, and all the information you need about your visitors is always at your disposal.

And even when it’s not business hours… we have the offline form!

onWebChat can collect all your visitor messages when you are disconnected, and forward them to a predefined email address.

These messages can also be found on the “Offline Messages” page in the onWebChat Operator Console, making it easy to locate them all in one place.

Chats are Routed to the Right Support Team Using Departments

Improve the efficiency and quality of your support with departments.

Once your team has grown beyond one or two chat agents, you will need to group them. This way, your site visitors will always talk to the right person.

Ask for Rating, ...Improve Your Support

Ask your visitors for feedback with our chat rating.

Get a better sense of their satisfaction and monitor your operators' performance.

This way, your support team will become better and better over time.

Are you ready to better support your clients?

Sign up now and enjoy one month of our Premium plan plus 50 AI chatbot credits for free.

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