Add language translations to your chat widget

To add multiple languages to your chat widget, you need to:

1. Create a text file with the translations of the languages you wish.

You can download the text file to see the format.

2. Save the file to a folder on your website's server.

3. On every page where the chat widget is installed, you must enter two JavaScript commands to set the language and the text file URL.

For example, if you would like to translate the chat widget into French, you should enter the following commands just after the chat widget code:

live chat system - onWebChat add language translation to your chat is your website and is the URL of the text file.

Language file description

The translation text file contains the following sections:

  • Minimized
  • Connected - maximized
  • Offline form
  • Prechat form
  • Menu

Below are some basic variables in the text file that correspond to the chat widget texts:


live chat system - onWebChat minimized chat window

Connected - maximized

live chat system - onWebChat open chat window

* If you wish to include the operator's name, you can use the variable {{operator}}.

Offline form

live chat system - onWebChat offline chat window

Prechat form

live chat system - onWebChat pre chat form
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