Plan Comparison

Free Plan Premium Plan
Chats 100 / month unlimited
Chat history 1 year unlimited
AI chatbot
Chat ratings
Typing insights
File sharing
White label
Visitors send chat to email
Visitor monitoring
Offline form
Pre-chat form
Android app
Chat shortcuts
Speech to text
Operators statistics
Block visitors
Visitor Information
Visitor navigation path
Transfer chat to another operator
SSL encryption
Audio and visual notifications
Domain whitelist
Multiple languages
Got a feature in mind?

Reach out to us! It's possible we already have what you're looking for, or we could explore adding it

What is an AI chatbot?

An AI Chatbot is a advanced software, utilizing Natural Language Processing and machine learning to simulate engaging, human-like conversations with human users.
It operates autonomously, allowing you to stay offline while it continues to interact with your visitors.
Easily set up and train your AI chatbot to transform how you communicate with your audience. Ready for a live demo? Our chatbot is waiting to chat with you in the bottom right corner of this page.

Does the Premium Plan Include AI Chat Features?

Yes, the Premium Plan provides access to our AI chatbot feature. However, it's important to note that AI bot credits, necessary for the operation of this feature, are not included in the plan itself.
When you sign up, we give you 50 AI credits for free to help you get started. After using the initial 50 credits, you will need to purchase additional AI bot credits to continue using the AI chatbot feature. Credits can be purchased at a rate of approximately $6 for every 200 AI credits. Each AI credit covers an entire chat session with a visitor.

Do I have to pay to sign up?

No, signing up is totally free. When you register with us, you receive a one-month free trial of the Premium Plan, along with 50 AI chatbot credits. This trial period allows you to explore and evaluate our software. If you choose not to subscribe to the Premium Plan after the one-month trial, your account will automatically convert to the Free Plan.

How can I pay?

You can pay by credit/debit card or PayPal. We don't accept American Express at the moment. There are no additional costs and you can cancel your subscription at any time.

What are Triggers?

Most customers won't always begin a chat, so why don't you take the first step? Triggers are pop up messages that appear automatically, based on rules, when a visitor is on your website. For example, you can set a message to pop up when a visitor is on your pricing page for more than 15 seconds and then ask if he needs help.

What is Visitor Monitoring?

You can monitor and analyze your visitors in real time. Our sophisticated software has the ability to track your visitors' information such as his country, city, browser, device, time spent in your website, number of visits and more.

What is Typing Insights?

Typing Insights feature allows you to see what your visitors are typing before they click the send button. This capability gives you more time to prepare responses, enabling you to offer quicker replies that customers will appreciate.

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